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Access path

Dashboard -> Multi-Domain Pay-Group -> Domain Manage -> Maximum Limit

Quota Preview

Receiving quota (all domain name quota)100 emails/day
100 emails/minute
2000 emails/day
1000 emails/minute
6000 emails/day
1000 emails/minute
Outgoing quota (all domain name quota)not support100 emails/day500 emails/day2000 emails/day
Number of sub-mailboxes - Collection (per domain name quota)not supportUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Number of sub-mailboxes - New (per domain name quota)210,00010,000100,000
Number of collection rules (per domain name quota)01030100
Number of subdomain collection rules (per domain name quota)010030100
Number of receiving rules (per domain name)50505050
Space capacity (all domain name quota)1G50G50G50G
  1. Failed to receive or send emails will not occupy the sending and receiving quota
  2. Mails sent to different mailboxes at the same time, such as collection, mail group, etc., only occupy one quota
  3. System emails will not occupy the receiving quota, such as bounced emails, system notifications, announcements, etc.
  4. If you do not log in to your free domain mailbox for 3 months, your mailbox will automatically become inactive (stop receiving mail + archive mails), and it will be restored to active status after you log in again.