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Usage Problems

Does GetMX's domain name email have an expiration date?Will the mailboxes under the domain name be lost?

  • You own the domain name and the email address will always be yours. Even if we go bankrupt, the email address will not be lost.
  • We are just an email service provider. Even if we go bankrupt, you can migrate to other email service providers.
  • As long as the domain name is not lost, the mailbox will never be lost.

Sending and receiving emails

Why can't I receive emails in my mailbox?](../operation/receive#why-cant-i-receive-emails-in-my-mailbox)

What’s the problem with slow delivery?](../operation/receive#why-is-the-delivery-slow)

Why can't I send emails from my mailbox?](../operation/send#why-cant-i-send-emails-to-my-mailbox)

Why did the emails I sent go to the other party’s spam folder?](../operation/send#why-did-the-emails-i-sent-go-to-the-other-partys-spam-folder)

Why do I receive so much spam?](../operation/receive#why-do-i-receive-so-much-spam)

Why does the webpage indicate that the sending failed?

How to recover accidentally deleted emails?

How to retrieve emails?

How to restore the receiving function?

Why can't I get emails through the API?](./open#why-cant-i-get-emails-through-the-api)

How did Scale's incoming parsing change?

What should I do if the recipient email address is inaccurate?](../operation/receive#what-should-i-do-if-the-recipient-email-address-is-inaccurate)

Domain Name Issues

My domain name has been bound to someone else. How can I retrieve it?

How many email addresses can be registered with one domain name?

What should I do if my domain name expires?](../operation/domain/domain-manage#what-should-i-do-if-my-domain-name-expires)

Domain name cannot be filled in priority?

The domain name has been resolved to other platforms. Can it still be resolved to GETMX?

What is the difference between renewal/upgrade/paid version migration?

I have already purchased the single domain version, how can I change to the multi-domain version?

I have already purchased the multi-domain version, how can I change to the single-domain version?

Mailbox Problems

How to quickly create a sub-email account?

How to manage permissions in email?](../operation/email-manage#how-to-manage-permissions-in-mailboxes)

The mailbox is stuck when entering and it shows “unable to obtain mail list”?

What to do if the email prompt is invalid?

Mailbox shows inactive status?

What should I do if the API request prompts that there is no token?](../operation/open#api-request-prompts-no-token)

other questions

Does the space usage of the Ultimate Edition have anything to do with the amount of mail received?

  • The ultimate version space is related to the amount of mail, mail size, cache, request frequency, and also has a certain relationship with the client.If the Ultimate Edition server space of 50G is full, it is recommended to clean up the cache. If the amount of emails is large, you can clean up the mailbox with one click, or contact customer service for processing.

How to export email content on the web?

  • The GETMX web page does not support the export of email content yet. Please use the export function of a third-party email client to operate.

Need read receipts for your emails?

  • GETMX supports the read receipt function, which is generally used to count the data read by the other party.All mailboxes will not actively send read data, and will even block data requested for reading, because this is an act of infringing user privacy (the current common collection and statistics method of the mailbox system is small picture collection, but almost all mailbox clients will prohibit loading pictures by default)
  • Requesting a read receipt means that after the other party reads the email and agrees to return the data, the receipt will be sent only after clicking the button. Currently, only read receipts under the same domain are supported, and only internal emails are supported
  • Receiving a read receipt does not mean that the other party has read it, and vice versa, not receiving a receipt does not mean that the other party has not read it.

What should I do if I receive advertising emails in the bounced emails?

  • This type of email takes advantage of the bounce function and uses private servers to send large quantities of advertising emails.However, if the sender is not authorized (TXT parsing verification), the email will be bounced and returned to the original mailbox. Since the sender is a private server and has not set up a receiving server (it does not have MX permissions and cannot be set up), the bounced email will be sent directly to your real mailbox. If you open the original email or attachment, it is often an advertisement.This form of push advertising is common in the email industry, which is somewhat similar to the mobile phone side pushing advertising text messages through fake base stations
  • Solution:Check the bounced email content
  • Receiving this kind of email has nothing to do with hacking. They just want more people to see their advertisements. If the email is not authorized by mailbox parsing (TXT parsing), the recipient will refuse to receive it or return it.

Internet fraud occurs frequently. When using email, be sure not to click on links sent by unfamiliar platforms, especially emails pretending to be official. The links shown in the accompanying pictures are different from the actual links.When you enter your email password on the fraudulent website, your account has been stolen. Please change your password immediately.

How to check received emails without administrator privileges?

  • The Crispball Mailbox can’t handle that.Some mailbox problems require administrator privileges to troubleshoot, such as interrupted renewal, not having a real name, and filtering may all result in not receiving emails; if the domain name has expired, you need to check the background of the purchased domain name.

Can a registered user still become a subordinate?

New customers use email addresses and need to register through an invitation link before they can bind the relationship. If the other party has already completed registration and used it, the relationship cannot be bound But there are two ways to become a subordinate:

  1. If the user purchases more than 200, he can apply for agent rights, and the card code will be cheaper. He will give the card code to the other party, and the other party will recharge through the card code. This is more suitable for software developers with many subordinates.
  2. Subordinate customers register a new account and register through the link, so that after the purchase, commissions will also be generated