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Paid version migration

Access path

Pay -> Paid Version Migration

What is Paid Migration?

  • Migrate one domain/payment group to another
  • After the migration, the "old domain name/old payment" group will be downgraded to the free version, and the "new domain name/new payment group" will become the paid version


  • For single domains or paid groups: The duration is the sum of the durations of the two original domains or paid groups
  • Single domain name to paid group: Single domain name duration is halved, plus the original duration of the paid group
  • Transferring a paid group to a single domain name: multiply the paid group by 2, plus the original duration of the single domain name
  • There is no loss in transfer time, please feel free to transfer, there will be calculation prompts before transfer


Example: Domain or payment group A is migrated to domain or payment group B

  1. A/B needs to be under this account
  2. A/B cannot be in a paid group. If it is in a paid group, it needs to be unbound to an independent domain name first.
  3. If both A and B are paid versions, you need to ensure that A and B are the same paid version. If they are not the same paid version, please upgrade to the same version first.
  4. A The system must be in normal operation and cannot exceed the maximum number of incoming or outgoing items.
  5. A single account can be migrated at most once a day
  6. Scale is an independent server and does not support self-service migration. If you need to migrate, please contact customer service.
  7. Single domain name and paid group can be transferred to each other, but they need to be the same version. If they are not the same version, please upgrade to the same version first.

common problem

What is the difference between renewal upgrade and paid version migration?

  • Renewal: Extend the validity period without changing the paid version
  • Upgrade: Upgrade the version, do not extend the validity period of the paid version, and pay the price difference to upgrade
  • Paid version migration: transfer the paid version of an existing "domain name/paid group" to another "domain name/paid group", without extending the paid version time or changing the paid version