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Access path

Dashboard -> Email Manage -> Client

Mailbox Protocol

Note: The following are Foundation, Growth, and Scale. Please follow the path above to view the configuration address.

If you need to use the client, you need to manually enable IMAP/POP/SMTP first.

typeprotocolserver addressNon-SSL protocol portSSL protocol port
Incoming ServerIMAPdomain-imap.getmx.com143993
Incoming ServerPOPdomain-pop.getmx.com110995
Outgoing Mail ServerSMTPdomain-smtp.getmx.com465 (TLS protocol)/587 (STARTTLS protocol)

Note the problem

  • Third-party clients use IMAP/POP/SMTP protocols, which are only supported by the paid version, not the free version.
  • IMAP/POP/SMTP are disabled by default. If you need a client connection, you need to manually enable the protocol in the background.
  • The computer client can be remotely configured. You can contact customer service for remote configuration.
  • The receiving server prefers IMAP protocol
  • The email password is not the password of the GetMX account. You need to manually change it on the email management page Click to view: Email password change
  • Port 25 is hijacked or restricted by operators, and there are many problems in using it. It is recommended to use the STARTTLS protocol port 587 for sending emails
  • The free version does not support third-party clients

Client Configuration Reference

Computer-Mac built-in email client

Mobile - iPhone comes with an email client

Note: Apple's MAC client and iPhone client cannot specify the port. Apple will try the ports one by one, so the first time you add it will be slow. If it keeps prompting "Loading" within 5 minutes, please wait patiently.

common problem

What are SSL, TLS, and STARTTLS in email clients and what are their differences?

STARTTLS, SSL, and TLS are all terms related to encryption, which involves securely transmitting data between mail servers and between mail clients and servers.Here are the differences:

  1. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer):
    • SSL is an early protocol for establishing an encrypted connection between a client and a server.
    • In mail services, SSL is usually associated with a specific port. For example, SMTPS uses port 465 by default, which means that the SMTP protocol is encrypted by SSL.
    • When using SSL, encryption is enabled from the beginning of the connection, which means that an encrypted channel is established between the client and server before any data is transferred.
  2. TLS (Transport Layer Security):
    • TLS is the successor to SSL, which provides stronger encryption algorithms and better security.
    • TLS is often associated with different ports, for example SMTP over TLS usually uses port 587.
    • Like SSL, TLS can also start encryption when the connection is established.
    • STARTTLS is a protocol command that allows a mail server to "upgrade" to TLS encryption on an already established, unencrypted connection.
    • Unlike SSL/TLS, STARTTLS does not start out encrypted; it allows the server and client to start a normal connection and then switch to TLS encryption during the communication.
    • This allows both encrypted and unencrypted connections to be handled on the same port, usually the standard port 25 for SMTP or the standard port 587 for mail submission. In general, both SSL and TLS are designed to provide encryption during email transmission to ensure data security.SSL is an older protocol, while TLS is the newer, more secure version.STARTTLS is a mechanism that allows a connection to be switched from an unencrypted state to an encrypted state, usually using standard mail ports.Over time, TLS and STARTTLS have replaced SSL as the more recommended standard for secure communications.